September 16, 2008

Our new arrival

First of all I have to apologize that it has taken me so long to announce that our new little guy is finally here. It has been a little crazy in our home; it feels like the moment we found out we were having a c-section life has not slowed down. We went to my appt on Tuesday and scheduled the c-section for the next morning, which just happened to be my mother in-laws birthday..Happy Birthday to Grandma! At 8:55 Wednesday morning Garth and I were proud new parents to a handsome little man, Ty Jon Gnehm. Ty weighed 8lbs 2oz and 19" long, just 1 ounce smaller than his Big sister. The first time I saw him I said he looked like his sister. All the doc's started laughing and said I shouldn't tell him that, but the truth is he really does, you can definitely tell that they are siblings. Tara has loved every minute of him and what a BIG helper she has been!! She will give him lots of not so gentle HUGS and KISSES and is always making sure that he has his bink, which she wants to constantly shove into his mouth. She was also very proud of herself when she picked him up and was carrying him to me. I turned my back for 2 seconds and she had him off the couch and into the kitchen, carrying him with her arms wrapped right around his head with his little body dangling. Needless to say I was running even though my body and the doc told me I shouldn't. I'm just glad that she LOVES him so much rather than hates him for invading her space. It has been so much FUN having Ty a part of our family! I'm so HAPPY he is here and that he is PERFECT! All the hard work was worth it. We LOVE you Ty.


Jessica said...

He's BEAUTIFUL Carri. Congratulations on your new addition. I can't wait to meet him!

Brooke said...

He is a cutie carri! Can't wait to meet him. I really need to take a drive down there soon. especially before it snows! I love you and Congrats again! Love, Brooke

Az Kelms said...

We all think that Ty is so cute. We gladly welcome him to the family. The girls love looking at all of the pics of Tara and Ty. Cute blog, by the way.