December 1, 2009

Our Newest Edition

Megan Noel...yes she is already a binky baby.

7lbs 6.5oz; 19in

March 18, 2009

Shocking I know

I was afraid I'd forgotten how to do this:) I just don't know how you moms keep up with all the updates; where do ya find the time? Anyway, I guess I will hurry and give everyone a quick run down with whats been happening in our lives for the past few months.

The kids are growing fast like they always do. Tara is now potty trained and is doing really well..only 2 accidents that I can think of! She is even wearing big girl pants to bed. I really never thought it would be as easy as it was. I guess timing is everything. Some of her favorite things are toons especially Mickey and Minnie along with all the girlie favorites..Princesses!! She loves being the BIG sister and helping whenever she can. Right now it is helping to feed Ty and amazingly enough she is quite good at it.

(don't mind her hair she had just found the spray bottle right before)

Ty just turned 6 months and is growing faster than I can keep up. The most recent clothes I bought for him were 12-18 months..yeah he is HUGE. We just went to his well check he weighs 19lbs 12oz. At Tara's 1yr appt she weighed 21lbs 4oz, that kind of gives ya an idea how big he really is. Ty has just learned how to sit up on his own, he kind of skipped right over the rolling over phase. With only a few rolls here and there he had me a little worried but the Doc says that is completely normal. His most favorite thing to do is chewing on anything he can put in his mouth. He is our little drool bug! For now we are enjoying his many smiles, laughs, and slobber.

Tara and Ty at 6 months
I think it is amazing how similar Tara and Ty look. There are certain face expressions that Ty will make and it is as if I am looking at Tara. It takes me back and makes me SMILE!

As for Garth and I we just got back from California, well about 3 weeks ago, with a couple of friends. We had FUN spending time with each other. It was a great get away for the two of us although it wasn't much of a relaxing vacation. We had a condo near the beach in Oceanside which meant there was a lot of driving involved; going back and forth to San Diego. The highlight of the trip for me was Disneyland!! I'm a true believer that Disneyland is someplace that everyone should get to visit; it truly is one of the greatest places on earth. The entire time I was thinking "I can't wait to bring Tara here she is going to LOVE every moment of this" I was lucky enough to be able to go to Disneyland on my last Birthday in my twenties..there was no better way to spend it than a place I could act like a kid!

Garth and I on the fishing Boat. I caught the 2 biggest FISHES on 1 cast!!

The 4 of us were chosen to open up the tower of Terror at California Adventures. We walked down the road holding the rope with the crowd following behind us. Us 4 were the first ones on the ride that morning.

December 20, 2008

Christmas Jammies..these are the pictures that I tried taking for Chirstmas cards and that didn't happen so you can all enjoy them on my blog instead!

YES we are still alive...

I know that some of you may be wondering if we are still alive here at the Gnehm household..well we are it just has been really crazy around here. With the holidays coming and going, starting back to work, and Garth having surgery I haven't even had a chance to sit down and think let alone sit down and blog. Well no more excuses I will try to be more diligent with my blogging!!!
As I mentioned above Garth had surgery a couple of weeks ago. The doc decided that with Garth constantly being sick it would be best to remove his tonsils. While they were in there they also straightened out his deviated septum. He is surprisingly doing really well; the doc keeps telling him that for all that he did to him he is moving around quite well. I'm sure Garth would be healing even faster if he would have tried resting a little longer rather than going back to work a couple days after the surgery. Not even surgery will stop this man from working..YES he is a WORKAHOLIC, do they have support groups for these type of people?
Tara is getting to be so grown up; she is definitely not a baby anymore. Currently we are working on potty training. She is doing pretty good, except for the few accidents here and there; she is also having a hard time pooping in the potty. Don't get me wrong she hasn't had an accident in her panties she will wait until she has a diaper on for naptime to get the job done. I have decided that we are going to have to use a little bit of bribery..M&M's, yes she is a chocoholic!!! Also I have to brag a littleTara's picture is in a photo contest. If you go to and then click on BLOG you can VOTE for Tara's pic; she is picture #7. Now I expect everyone to vote because we all know she is the cutest little girl on there plus mommy will win an 11x14 photo!!!
Ty is growing like a weed. When Garth weighed him a week ago which would have made Ty just a little over 3 months he weighed between 16 and 17 pounds. I know he is HUGE, we call him our chunky monkey or FATMAN..can babies develop a complex? Even though he is a BIG guy he is still our cute LITTLE man. He smiles at everything and now we will even start to get some out ladies those dimples and fat little cheeks will melt your heart. I know I say this quite a bit but it is amazing how fast little ones grow.
As for me not much has changed. I'm still carrying around my baby weight and no I'm not happy about it. I need to find some motivation to lose it so if anyone knows where to find it let me know. I just need to give a quick little shout out to all of my girlfriends out there, all my work buddies, my SLC lady friends, and my cache valley girls. You are all the ones who keep my sanity so I just need to say thanks.
I will try to be better at this blogging but if I don't keep up on it don't hate me! I will leave you with a few new pics of the kids or maybe not it won't let me download. I never said I was good at any of this technical stuff. I will try to download some pictures soon!

October 24, 2008

Best Buds

I got the chance to have cute little Olivia over while her parents and grandma were down visiting baby Alyson. Not only are Olivia and Tara cousins they are GREAT buds!! They are very LUCKY to be so close in age and to live so close to each other.

Cute Little Man

Here are some of the professional pictures of Ty that were taken when he was 2 weeks old. Isn't it amazing how fast they grow. I also want to say thanks to the JTO crew for the WONDERFUL gift! The Pics turned out adorable. I also need to give a shout out to Melissa the gal who took the pictures. If you like what you saw you can go to to see more of her work or to make an appointment for yourself.

Ty at 6 weeks

I found this little hat for Ty at Old Navy yesterday. It's a little BIG, but he should grow into it throughout the LONG WINTER season...doesn't he look so stikin' CUTE!!

October 10, 2008

time flies when...

WOW it amazes me how TIME flies; Ty is 1 month today!! it makes me a little SAD that he is already gotten so BIG and also it means that i have already used 4 weeks of my maternity leave..ugh i will be back to the grind before i know it:( where have these last 4 weeks gone? it feels like i haven't accomplished anything, i guess that's how it is when your a new MOM. anyway here are a few things that i do remember happening throughout the last month.

the most important event that took place was that little Alyson (garth's sisters baby girl that was born the day before Ty) had an unplanned surgery. Alyson has been at primary's since birth because she was born with heart complications, which they found in her ultrasound. they told heather and frank that she would have at least 2 surgeries when she got to be a little older. after she was born they found more complications so they went ahead with this unplanned surgery when she was just over 3 weeks of age, and the odds of survival were not the greatest..not something a parent wants to hear. Alyson had the surgery last friday and she has exceeded their expectations. the last i heard is that she is recovering very well and hopefully she will be able to come home in the near future. she is such a STRONG and BEAUTIFUL little girl. we want to let Heather and Frank know that our thoughts and prayers are with them, and that we are so excited to have this little girl a part of our family. i know she is always going to be an inspiration to all of us. we love you guys!!

as for our family we have had a couple of medical complications of our own. a couple of weeks a go while Garth was at work, and of coarse he was in Bear Lake, he was cutting some pipe and the knife slipped. he ended up stabbing himself on the inside of his knee. and for all of you who know my husband it wouldn't surprise you to know that he continued to work for 3 more hours after the accident happened; he had to finish the job (such a dedicated employee:) when he got home he wanted me to bandage the wound, and let me tell you it was GROSS! there was tissue hanging out of the gaping hole. i told him that there was no way i was going to do this and that he needed to go to the hospital. and because he is so stubborn and didn't want to pay for the unreasonably priced hospital bills he told me to call his mom. she came over took care of it with ease, you can tell that she was an old pro at this. i hope that someday i will be that kind of a mom, i guess it comes with time, or at least i'm hoping it does.
the other medical problem happened to be Tara dislocating her elbow SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! i was hoping we were passed this and that she had grown out of it, we could only be so LUCKY. it happened the day that Garth and i decided that we needed to go and visit little Alyson in the hospital. so while we were sitting down in SLC, helpless, we get the phone call that she has hurt her arm, only this time it was the other arm, her right arm. luckily grandma Gnehm was stopping by to pick up cousin Olivia so she was able to hurry and run Tara out to see Morgan (chiropractor). he popped back in, wrapped it and sent them on there way. normally with the other arm that would have been fine, but we have been back to his office 2 other times now. yesterday he decided to take an x-ray, and to both of our surprise it came back clean, no breaks anywhere..that was a relief. her poor little elbow just keeps popping out; and poor Tara has been such a trooper thru it all. yesterday when we were pulling into Morgan's parking lot she started yelling NO, NO, NO! who would of known that she would recognize where we were going. i'm hoping that yesterday's appt. was the FIXER!!

i have found that being a temporary stay at home mom has made me want to be a little more domestic. Tara and i made cookies and for those of you who know me well know that i am not a choc chip cookie maker. every time i attempt to make them they turn out flatter than a pancake, although they still taste pretty darn good! i tried a different recipe, Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies, and i think that made all the difference. i also attempted making home made bread. the bread only turned out okay; yeast and i don't really get along. everytime i try to make something with yeast it never turns out the way it should. this last attempt was the best so far so i guess practice makes perfect. i will just have to keep trying!!
i also have been working on Tara's HALLOWEEN costume. i got the idea from my friend Kami, she made a TUTU for her little girls 1st birthday pics and i thought to myself that would make such a cute little WITCH costume!! thanks KAMI for the great idea!! i think by the time it is complete it is going to be pretty CUTE!!