October 10, 2008

time flies when...

WOW it amazes me how TIME flies; Ty is 1 month today!! it makes me a little SAD that he is already gotten so BIG and also it means that i have already used 4 weeks of my maternity leave..ugh i will be back to the grind before i know it:( where have these last 4 weeks gone? it feels like i haven't accomplished anything, i guess that's how it is when your a new MOM. anyway here are a few things that i do remember happening throughout the last month.

the most important event that took place was that little Alyson (garth's sisters baby girl that was born the day before Ty) had an unplanned surgery. Alyson has been at primary's since birth because she was born with heart complications, which they found in her ultrasound. they told heather and frank that she would have at least 2 surgeries when she got to be a little older. after she was born they found more complications so they went ahead with this unplanned surgery when she was just over 3 weeks of age, and the odds of survival were not the greatest..not something a parent wants to hear. Alyson had the surgery last friday and she has exceeded their expectations. the last i heard is that she is recovering very well and hopefully she will be able to come home in the near future. she is such a STRONG and BEAUTIFUL little girl. we want to let Heather and Frank know that our thoughts and prayers are with them, and that we are so excited to have this little girl a part of our family. i know she is always going to be an inspiration to all of us. we love you guys!!

as for our family we have had a couple of medical complications of our own. a couple of weeks a go while Garth was at work, and of coarse he was in Bear Lake, he was cutting some pipe and the knife slipped. he ended up stabbing himself on the inside of his knee. and for all of you who know my husband it wouldn't surprise you to know that he continued to work for 3 more hours after the accident happened; he had to finish the job (such a dedicated employee:) when he got home he wanted me to bandage the wound, and let me tell you it was GROSS! there was tissue hanging out of the gaping hole. i told him that there was no way i was going to do this and that he needed to go to the hospital. and because he is so stubborn and didn't want to pay for the unreasonably priced hospital bills he told me to call his mom. she came over took care of it with ease, you can tell that she was an old pro at this. i hope that someday i will be that kind of a mom, i guess it comes with time, or at least i'm hoping it does.
the other medical problem happened to be Tara dislocating her elbow SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! i was hoping we were passed this and that she had grown out of it, we could only be so LUCKY. it happened the day that Garth and i decided that we needed to go and visit little Alyson in the hospital. so while we were sitting down in SLC, helpless, we get the phone call that she has hurt her arm, only this time it was the other arm, her right arm. luckily grandma Gnehm was stopping by to pick up cousin Olivia so she was able to hurry and run Tara out to see Morgan (chiropractor). he popped back in, wrapped it and sent them on there way. normally with the other arm that would have been fine, but we have been back to his office 2 other times now. yesterday he decided to take an x-ray, and to both of our surprise it came back clean, no breaks anywhere..that was a relief. her poor little elbow just keeps popping out; and poor Tara has been such a trooper thru it all. yesterday when we were pulling into Morgan's parking lot she started yelling NO, NO, NO! who would of known that she would recognize where we were going. i'm hoping that yesterday's appt. was the FIXER!!

i have found that being a temporary stay at home mom has made me want to be a little more domestic. Tara and i made cookies and for those of you who know me well know that i am not a choc chip cookie maker. every time i attempt to make them they turn out flatter than a pancake, although they still taste pretty darn good! i tried a different recipe, Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies, and i think that made all the difference. i also attempted making home made bread. the bread only turned out okay; yeast and i don't really get along. everytime i try to make something with yeast it never turns out the way it should. this last attempt was the best so far so i guess practice makes perfect. i will just have to keep trying!!
i also have been working on Tara's HALLOWEEN costume. i got the idea from my friend Kami, she made a TUTU for her little girls 1st birthday pics and i thought to myself that would make such a cute little WITCH costume!! thanks KAMI for the great idea!! i think by the time it is complete it is going to be pretty CUTE!!


Anonymous said...

Ok first of all...that tutu is so cute!!! I keep trying to get Brynlee to let me make her one for an angel costume, but she just has to be a princess. AND...your babies are darling! Tara looks so big. I am going to be in Logan the weekend of Halloween. I want to meet Ty. Email me and let me know if you will be in town.

Az Kelms said...

Ty is getting so big. I can't wait to see him in person. You should have known that Garth was accident prone before you married him!

Kami Jo said...

the tutu is turning out great! jaycee is going to be a witch also and i was going to make her one! might have to steal your color scheme :) it was great seeing you and the kids at work!!!

Brooke said...

You are so productive! I'm single and don't do any of that homemaker stuff. What a great Mom you are. Ty is so cute, features are more pronouced now. Tara looks so cute in her costume. I want to see pictures of the final outfit. Give those two a big hug and kiss from me. And one for yourself while you're at it. Its fun keeping up on your life on here. I love you.

Grant and Kristy said...

I love all of your pics! Ty is so precious, he has already changed so much. I can't believe you had Angie watch him instead of me!! :) I absolutely love Tara's tutu, you are so creative and talented. Oh and the cookies were awesome!

Julianne Howes said...

Her tutu is dang cute! I want to make one for ME!!! hehe :) I hope you are having fun on your time off from work, it misses you!