October 24, 2008

Best Buds

I got the chance to have cute little Olivia over while her parents and grandma were down visiting baby Alyson. Not only are Olivia and Tara cousins they are GREAT buds!! They are very LUCKY to be so close in age and to live so close to each other.


Az Kelms said...

I have been hearing about all the cute things that Tara & Olivia do together. I wish all the cousins were closer . . . they would love it. I often wonder who would dominate, my boys or Olivia & Tara????

Heather K. said...

Olivia and Tara really are great friends. They are hilarious together. We appreciate you both so much for watching her for us when we need it.

Heather K. said...

Olivia and Tara really are great friends. They are hilarious together. We appreciate the both of you being willing to watch Olivia when we needed it.

Kristen said...

Hey Carri!
I had to stop by your blog and check out the fam. Beautiful family! I hope you don't mind if I add you to my bloggin' friends.
Thanks for coming into the Salon the other day. It was fun getting to know you better.

The Mann Clann said...

Carri (I'm not sure if Garth follows this or not:)). I'm Garth's cousin, Angie (Carol's daughter). I hear all about your sweet little ones from my mom, but it's fun to see pictures of them myself. I was so happy to find a link to your blog through JoAnn's. It will be nice to be able to have some contact with my cousins! Love, Angie